Breaking News From A BreakBeat Scientist (Part Ten)

This is breaking news from a breakbeat scientist on this Monday Morning; this is the concept finale but the essence of this discipline will continue..

We’ll continue breaking news, signs are shown that reality will keep breaking fools, out here ‘buking and scorning!! life goes on, the saga / struggle will continue..

What’s really going on? out in the streets alt shift delete is a haters strategy!! trying to throw you under the bus like Trump associates? what’s up with it? taking more time to pray is the rebuttal.

What’s really going on? priorities shift during the paradigm shift;Democratic issue debaters rolling out  minus people of color will try to “holla at me” trying to play me!! if we don’t go along with the program?  sending authorities to the spot, swatting /  sweating what a brotha do!

Breaking news!! actually, it’s the usual as another acts like they knew!! fanatics were trying to get over with it!! what? the flawed knowledge!! the mothership gets good mileage so ties are severed;  I’ll see them on the flip side! another season or for another reason; will there be another treason? as the Winter solstice approaches, is it making a brotha flip?  breaking news?  now I’m ready to ride!

Check this out at Breaking News From A BreakBeat Scientist (Part Ten)

Author: omanxl1

just a brotha dabbling in music, sports, politics and other spices of life...