We’re Still Going Off On Them

As we proceed and continue….whats on the menu? whats the deal? some will ask  Punxsutawney Phil; …meanwhile a brotha is still going off on them!

Some will get whats coming to them; some will say its not over like the French in Mali;  but some?  the message will be lost on them!

O-Dizzle is funky drumming for them…was the message lost in translation?  others were lost in transition!

Egypt: Esneh
Egypt: Esneh (Photo credit: Brooklyn Museum)

…Caught up in the confusion and frustration like we’re in Egypt…whats the deal with it?  I’m looking at this thing with a fresh vision!

High definition screens are used;  while the process of elimination bruised egos!

Catching up on his pimping was the word from the player player!!  in a system that used Negroes!

Check the middle passages…some held stashes..now swaggers and steelos are updated and upgraded;  now dude said he’s going off on them!

Who will shoot the messengers? daggers, pistols,  and missiles were the weapons of choice by the opposition;  but check the degrees;  some are off by them!

English: Mick Jagger, Keith Richards, Ronnie W...

Mick Jagger types mention no satisfaction ….out of sync with the universe!

Word from the Rolling Stones !!! meanwhile were rolling on..check out the O-Zone verse!

Plus O-Dizzle is going off on them!!  hitting them upside the head with the Sonic Blackjack!

Class is in session!!  teaching them a lesson…showing them we have the knack!

Author: omanxl1

just a brotha dabbling in music, sports, politics and other spices of life...

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