Bleach and Penicillin / Hazardous Material

I was all up in the spot it; damn!! was I at Grady in AtlantaShands in Jacksonville…or University in Louisville? it smelled like a hospital.

It smelled like bleach and penicillin!! how were jokers living? what are we supposed to do?

O-Zone sailed across the galaxy wildfires like California…hazardous material fueling the mothership? what’s up with it? we’re handling intergalactic business.

Plus I’m dealing with the drama… haters were trying to stop a brotha…you’ll face charges like  Aaron Hernandez..but I know what the deal is… I’m all on top of this.

Donald Sterling types try to rule the world! but not like Nas talked about..this is some other other.

Check the response;  see what were working with per O-Dizzle!! who’s a funky kind of soul brother.

Check the response;  how were some working it? monstrous like Godzilla? old girl pulled out the Lysol and starting spraying.

It was the original fragrance..meanwhile O-Zone spotted flagrant agents!!  he’s hip to the games they’re playing.

The original plan wasn’t vacated!!  opposition was met from Boko Haram types but we didn’t believe the hypes..were putting it down like this !! were not through dealing.

Check out the funk O-Dog dropped…hazardous material? somebody said it smelled like bleach and penicillin.

What’s the deal with them? janitors / custodians never quit or stopped…cleaning up other people’s mess..

What’s the deal? who’ll understand us? independent…we stopped dealing with other people’s stress..



Author: omanxl1

just a brotha dabbling in music, sports, politics and other spices of life...

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