Diplomatic Immunity (The WordPress Edition)

It got rough on the Eastside per the Jeffersons; so we cut the corner!!  we dipped back to the community.

How did we ride?  God is good all the time and all the time God is good!! damn!!  we realize we had diplomatic immunity.

There’s nowhere to run or hide!!  damn!!  everything is falling apart around me!!  I’m trying to chill.

Good and evil collide / coincide; God’s work is taking place !!  per James Cleveland I’m trying to get peace to be still.

There’s no all star team like Cleveland Cavaliers per Lebron, Kyrie and Kevin!! check out how we’re living!! It’s not odd that blue collar work  is still going down;  that’s how I do things.

Some are acting real cavalier!! It’s not odd that when you chase a dollar the system will make you do things.

Now you need to make inquiries about a diplomatic solution to the ongoing problems.

Per ISIS vs the world?   or even Israelis vs Hamas?  Check the crisis at the front door!!  it’s where the drama was.

The drama unfurled so now  this brotha will be moving… *Spiritually To A New Level Of Consciousness*

Dropping Knowledge; Using Hip-Hop, Jazz, Funk, Rock, when we come with this!!!

Climbing out of the Abyss with this  BreakBeat Science!! * Teaching them and ourselves*

Please!!  it’s a trip sometimes *Check out what we do to ourselves*

So we pull funky sounds off of shelves and out of boxes; WE COME TO ROCK THIS!!

Moving; Grooving;  **Spiritually To A Level Of Consciousness**

Author: omanxl1

just a brotha dabbling in music, sports, politics and other spices of life...

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