Taking The Wrapper Off PT.3

Here we go with another one!! like more drama from Charlie Sheen…its brand new… I’m taking the wrapper off!

Here we go again!! sometimes fighting like Canelo and Mayweather.…but a bruh is usually using breakbeat science and math to go off!

….As I go off on another tangent…leaving the solar system like Voyager 1 …based on being intergalactic;  as I put it down like this!

The drama is local, national, international and intergalactic…haters wondered how I managed to survive against all odds!! …that were manipulated by a fanatic aka gambler out for a fast buck;  as I put it down like this!

Wandered through the Babylon wilderness…fire rages like its The New Jersey Boardwalk; but I arrived at a safe haven / safe harbor!

Now wondering what the deal is;  the arch nemesis was soon on the premises!! …hatred they harbor!

But still doing the damn thing!! real with this!! but who will show a brotha loyalty? 

Taking the wrapper off this damn thing…but like US-Russia talks concerning Syria were still dealing with the drama royalty!

Paying the price!!  now due a rebate, royalties, and fees; that  need to be broke off!

“It aint nothing nice” …but we drop these clearance rack epiphanies;  math and science is dropped when these are broke off!

“It aint nothing nice”….damn!! dirty work is done like Jesse and Walter White on Breaking Bad… just take a look around…but some are in denial….

Paying the price for the merchandise? …soon taking the wrapper off…now they’re standing in line at the service desk…after they see what it do…

Author: omanxl1

just a brotha dabbling in music, sports, politics and other spices of life...

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