They Were All Over It

I checked it things were going the New York gun control law I could see some folk were all over it!

But the vehicle soon wrecked…like weak iPhone5 sales…the aircraft crashed and burned;  is it all over with?

I see through the madness…as politicians threatened to go over it..the fiscal cliff!

Positions were clarified but somebody lied!!!  during the past holiday season there was no gift!

Positions? please!!  some information was classified….  Bradley Manning types lifted it!  soon it’s on Wikileaks!

Divisions or districts dealt with the  information overload;  like Eli Manning it didn’t mode well for ongoing winning streaks!

..not for Peyton Manning and Denver Broncos either!!   Baltimore Raven types wreaking havoc will be the plan!

Championships like Danny Manning in Kansas?  take a poll or Census…maybe you’ll understand!

The mothership lands on earth….in the midst of Superstorm Sandy type of situations!

So a brotha gets scientific…intergalactic…  whats it all worth?  what were the indications?

So a brotha gets scientific…rebuking  crooks like the ones at NRA trying to front on Obama…

Ignoring a neurotic fanatic…like the mass hysteria in Syria...all they bring to the table is drama..

Author: omanxl1

just a brotha dabbling in music, sports, politics and other spices of life...

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