Clearance Rack Epiphanies (The Post Holiday Sale 2017)

These are the clearance rack epiphanies!!  the holiday season has come and gone.

Well,  the MLK Holiday is on deck even though some still disrespect!!  day off service? but,  once again it’s on!

I see how they play, how they’re trying to swerve with this!!  like still disrespecting Obama on his way out like Hannity and others.

I see how they play!! already expecting drama from Trump, no need for a dossier!!  it’ll play out,  somebody might understand these brothers.

I see how they play! will  the new world order aka The World Economic Forum in Davos continue to manipulate things?   that’s how they play, for those that wonder what’s up with it;

We know how it goes,  knew where the border or boundary will be per these clearance rack epiphanies!! economic conditions / scores  have retailers closing stores like Sears and K-Mart, to  Macys and The Limited..

We know how it goes,  knew where the border or boundary will be!! no confusion like walls at the Mexican border..

Listening to the the maestro, Barry White when told us to let the music play!! we’ll follow his order..

Maybe per these clearance rack epiphanies a  light will show in the spot where some were waiting in the dark..

Per these clearance rack epiphanies the right to know clashes with secret knowledge; who’ s left in the dark?

I see what the deal is!! dogs bark up the wrong tree, illusions of grandeur have them going all out!!

But is it wrong for O-Dog to drop funky tracks? please!! we’ll keep doing it!! without a doubt…

Author: omanxl1

just a brotha dabbling in music, sports, politics and other spices of life...

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