You Gotta Love It!

Rolling through #ATLtraffic mad about it but then I though: you gotta love it!

Rolling with a fanatic who’s always negative? Trying to rise above it!

Rolling with these mathematics after the internal war: it was rational vs irrational thoughts.

They both have winning moments sometimes combining when I launch Sonic Assaults.

You gotta love it! Even though hell is caught ATLiens say keep it pimping player!

You gotta love it! Dude over on Moreland Ave took that advice, still rocking polyester shirts and slacks from the 70’s plus he had a toothpick in his mouth: a true player.

The ATL police officer a true player ? He had a floss stick in his mouth while directing traffic off of Peachtree Road while his partner was on the phone checking Facebook.

A true player like Lebron James winning championships? In Dekalb County you’re face to face with a crook.

You gotta love it! I took it there because the good weighs more than the bad.

Rise above it! What? Negativity! The good weighs more than the bad!

Author: omanxl1

just a brotha dabbling in music, sports, politics and other spices of life...

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