The Ongoing Chaos and Confusion

Trying to keep a low profile; but still caught up in the chaos and confusion!


I expected it ……oh yeah!! please!!  that’s  what it do when your caught up in the system / matrix….dealing with the institution!


In this good word the solution is debated; we didn’t worry about trivial pursuits!


But were still putting it down like Derek Jeter…not wasting our time like lawyers filing frivolous law suits!


Knowing what the deal is!!  y’alls pursuit of happiness was like the Secret Service agents in led to the chaos and confusion!


Knowing what the deal!!  please!! these brothers are  not like the Space Shuttle Discovery..headed to a museum; were all out in the galaxy…all out beyond Pluto and Mars..on the mothership were cruising!


Spotted the solar flare when we went there…so now whats up? were back down to earth choosing to take the assignment; damn!!! what are we dealing with?


These earthlings take the chaos and confusion to another were fighting in Afghanistan or even Syria… but I’m trying to deal with it!


I was trying to work things out; now I’m dealing with another devil causing chaos and confusion!


Just look around; no need to check ESPN or Fox Sports to see whose winning or losing!


Author: omanxl1

just a brotha dabbling in music, sports, politics and other spices of life...

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