The Train Has Left The Station…

On the road again like Willie Nelson; the train of thought has left the college basketball the  ESPN analysts talk about our road record.

Constructive criticism?  negative feedback?  whose telling some to give the weed back!!  they were catching wreck with it!

The train wreck is fascinating for some…but this train of thought keeps rolling!! is hazard material  spilled?

The pain gets heavy!! but I knew the deally..this brotha chilled!

Time revealed like El Debarge; floating through the stream of consciousness…like a barge on the Ohio River.

Was it the trail of tears? Cherokee were here for years!!!! can’t believe somebody mentioned an Indian giver!

Meanwhile the Clarksville Indiana liver dipped across the bridge to Louisville to pull a caper!

A real winner!!  spotted at a concert..received the retribution…now on the six o clock news or in the newspaper!

Old girl said trouble doesn’t last always!!  it tapers off but it comes back!

The drama will unfurl; meanwhile O-Dizzle does CSI investigation on vinyl and cassette tapes…soon he brought the drums back!

Homie runs back upstate going back to Chi-Town he stated he doesn’t like Atlanta.

Not a home run hitter like Hank Aaron..former Atlanta Brave…meanwhile Obamas state of the union address was heard..similar to this good word..but they told O-Zone we don’t understand ya!

They ask me..where did the Mothership land ya? after I studied the Dark Mystery of Time and Space….out there with the Discovery at the ISS ..told them I’m back down to the earth!

Wisconsin tries to break up unions ;  the response to them? we built at family reunions..we found out what it’s all worth!


Author: omanxl1

just a brotha dabbling in music, sports, politics and other spices of life...

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