Hospital Records Drum & Bass Lockdown Mix 2

Digital Crate Digging Continues on a Flashback Friday / Fabulous Friday as we play it both ways and actually  many other ways…

The saga / struggle continues aka life goes on, once again it’s on saying all that one more time! this is how a brotha plays!!

Of course the brotha plays that music, during this coronavirus pandemicit’s conducive, it’s the right kind of medicine..

The question was asked, is there a doctor in the house? ignoring fanatics like Dr Oz, even Dr Phil was meddling..

The question was asked, is there a doctor in the house? Dr O is rocking the house! admissions into the hospital are made…

We’re out here listening to Hospital Records Drum & Bass Lockdown Mix 2 courtesy of The Hesh Besh! check the playlist and the mix to see what it do,in the midst o this madness /  during this ongoing charade!

Check this out at Hospital Records Drum & Bass Lockdown Mix 2

Author: omanxl1

just a brotha dabbling in music, sports, politics and other spices of life...

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