Eddie Henderson: Scorpio Libra

Sunday Jazz Continues…checking out this Eddie Henderson cut Scorpio Libra from his Realization album…this is his first album..after playing as a sideman with Herbie Hancock‘s the Mwandishi group. Mwandishi was Hancock’s Swahili name.

This group consisted of the following members..with their Swahili names;

Mchezaji/Buster Williams ,   Jabali/Billy Hart, Mganga/Eddie Henderson, Mwile/Bennie Maupin, Pepo Mtoto/Julian Priester, and Ndugu/Leon Chancler. This group helped Mr. Henderson record his album.

This song is relevant to today…with the New Moon in Libra  tomorrow..and Saturn and Mercury in Scorpio..

This song has a Miles Davis-ish influence…since all the above musicians worked with Mr. Davis..check it out!!



Author: omanxl1

just a brotha dabbling in music, sports, politics and other spices of life...

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