Don’t Worry About It (Worried About The Wrong Thing? ) Part Three

We’re kicking off the HumpDay Extravaganza, actually the science dropped is appropriate for any time period. 

Getting over the hump is the business, knowing per JJ Hairston and Youthful Praise there’s a Miracle Worker a “God Of Miracles, Signs and Wonders” that’ll work with us; you heard?  can you dig it?

Taught to “don’t worry about it” have faith! blunders were made when I took matters into my own hands! Father Time couldn’t erase the outcomes from tearful/ blood red yesterdays.

Count your blessings name them one by one was the childhood Sunday School anthem, even Dietrick Haddon has a version but soon due to worrying about the wrong thing you could count us among the lost ones as the structure collapsed and the fabric frayed. 

Lost on purpose? stressing by the apparatus led to that status! Everybody Played The Fool per Main Ingredient as even Ye bears witness per dealings with Adidas as the saga / struggle continues!

Undulating below the surface with a purpose still out here doing our thing but the apparatus is impeding us as the saga / struggle continues!

Check this out at Don’t Worry About It (Worried About The Wrong Thing? ) Part Three